What a crazy insane couple of weeks.

Last weekend Bekah ended up in the hospital because of a kidney infection. She was a pretty sick girl. Her temp jumped from 97.7 to 104.3 in 45 minutes! She ended up with an IV for fluids and antibiotics, and had to stay overnight. Luckily, we are just finishing up her doses of medication and she will have a follow-up in a month just to make sure her kidneys and bladder are functioning properly. Not fun. I would also like to profusley thank Jenny for her help. I couldn't have done it without her and Kevin and the support of my family. THANKS!
This weekend we stayed at the Kalahari. IT WAS AWESOME!! Bekah was a little freaked out about the waterslides, but after she got used to them I couldn't get her off.
Kevin won her these HUGE spikey balls that she adores. I knew I had him around for a reason. :)
On a heavier note, Amber, Kevin's ex-girlfriend, had her baby on April 15th. He was a couple months early, but he was 15 inches and 2 lbs 13 oz. He is adorable! He didn't want to wait to be born, and Amber delivered him in the ambulance on the way to the hospital. He was breech and needed heart surgery to repair a valve that wasn't completely closed, but he is doing much better and I'm sure she can't wait to have him home. Our prayers are with you girlie, you are going to be a GREAT mom, I can tell. :)
To everyone else, God Bless, and have a great week!
Will write again soon!