Friday, May 11, 2007

There Are Nice People

Today was so... surreal.

We had our garage sale at Mary's and it was fun until I got the phone call.

My grandma went in for a "routine" procedure to remove a kidney stone, only the hitch is there WASN'T a kidney stone. This is not what we were expecting at all since her doctor was pretty sure that's what her problem was. She has been in constant pain and urinating blood, and now they are telling us that it is either a severe infection OR cancer. CANCER. Can you believe it?? I just lost a great aunt already this summer and now this. I'm not prepared to handle this.
Sandy held my hand and prayed with me today, and I realize how selfish I was being. I have to let God handle this, only He knows what will happen in His plan for her.
It is times like this that make me SO grateful for the people I have in my life. Mary was so good to me today, she went to Subway for me and even hugged me when I told her about my grandma. Sometimes I feel so stupid, childish, and petty for the way I act. Everybody has flaws, but it really is easy to look past it and see the wonderful person that everyone has in them.
So thanks Mary, and thanks Sandy, and thanks Angela for being there for me, even though Ang just lost her uncle this week and she is having a hard enough time without having to worry about me as well.
And thank you, Lord, for everything you give me everyday. It's always a miracle when I wake up and get to spend another day in Your world.
I can't wait to get to church on Sunday. That is what I need the most right now.

Will write soon!


Monday, May 7, 2007

Just Do It

Today is the first day I have ever prayed in earnest.

I did it the good old fashioned way. Got down on my knees, folded my hands, closed my eyes and whispered what was in my heart.

I really hope things go okay for Amber and Sebastian.

I really like the new church I am going to, and Bekah is having a good time at Sunday school.

It's really hot in this apartment, and I need to clean. Bad.

Other than that, my grandma is going to be in the hospital this weekend for a kidney stone, so I also hope everything goes good for her as well.

Everyone take care, and come to my garage sale at Mary's house this weekend!

Will write soon,


Tuesday, May 1, 2007

What Dreams May Come...

Just spent the last weekend at my grandma's with Kevin and WOW!! He did some AWESOME work on her yard with the bobcat. He really impresses me sometimes...well, most of the time actually.

I had this really sweet dream last night. Lately, it's like I'm starring in my own movies, they are so vivid! This one I am toying around starting a book about. I will write more later, but right now I have to go wake up the boyfriend, and take a shower before the dreaded doctor appointment.

See you all soon!!
